Managing Director of a Coventry Social Enterprise celebrating its 10th Anniversary Year Awarded MBE

Monday 15th of July 2024 08:54 AM

David Boughey, the Founding Managing Director of a volunteer social enterprise created to sustain the local London 2012 Olympic volunteer programme has been named in HM The King's Birthday Honours List 2024 with an MBE, the honour of Member of the Order of the British Empire award, for services to the community in Coventry.

David said

“To receive this personal recognition was a very unexpected, but joyous surprise to me. I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude to have been recommended and I am humbled to be invited to receive such a prestigious honour.”

“The honour is testament to most of my working life in community development and volunteering, particularly the last ten years to ensure there has been a lasting volunteer legacy in Coventry that continues to make a positive difference to the community. Managing our social enterprise has been a personal challenge which could not be possible without the immense support from my wife Victoria and those who have supported and provided guidance along the way.”

“For me this is also recognition to all the volunteers that have ensured ongoing success with EnV, it has been the dedication, enthusiasm and commitment of the volunteers that has inspired and driven me, this honour is powered by those who continue to give their most valuable time to volunteer.”

HM The King's Birthday Honours List 2024 recognises selfless and innovative service to others from people across the UK, published today (15th June 2024) by the Cabinet Office. 

The focus of this List is individuals who have had an immeasurable impact on the lives of people across the country - such as by creating innovative solutions or driving real change in public life.

Many are active community champions, innovative social entrepreneurs, pioneering scientists, passionate health workers and dedicated volunteers. The full list can be found here: The King's Birthday Honours List 2024 - GOV.UK (

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