Plans to transform Coventry city centre’s landmark 1950s Co-op building have been revealed for the first time.
EDG Property, the company behind the £15 million Corporation Street development, has submitted its ambitious blueprint for the scheme that will include leisure, retail and the highest-specification, private sale apartments the city centre has seen.
The company wants to retain and be true to the mid-century architecture – right down to calling the scheme The Co-operative and using the existing 1950s lettering on the building frontage.
A key element would be the creation of a park within the development by removing a section of the building and creating a covered private residential city centre park. A members’ club will be added to the top floor, for residents.
Neil Edginton, Managing Director of EDG Property, is part of the Coventry and Warwickshire MIPIM Partnership attending the world’s largest commercial property show, where the company will showcase the bold plans that have been submitted to Coventry City Council’s planning department.
He said The Co-operative will help Coventry take the next steps in its ambitious city centre development plans.
“We are genuinely excited about this scheme,” said Neil, whose company is behind developments such as The Cube and The School Yard in Birmingham. “We love the original architecture and want to draw that out and make it a feature of the overall development.
“We have successfully negotiated being able to use The Co-operative as the name of the development and retaining the lettering. We will be keeping the façade and making the most of the large glass panels.
“The overall project is around 140,000 sq ft and will include office, retail, leisure and residential and will be truly mixed-used.
“It will be something very different for Coventry and will take city centre living to a new level.
“The park will be a unique feature for the exclusive use of residents, which will give those people access to a tranquil green space in the heart of the bustling city. That, along with the private residents club, will help to set The Co-operative apart.
“We have submitted a planning application for The Co-operative and will be taking the proposed scheme to MIPIM with the Coventry and Warwickshire MIPIM Partnership. It’s our intention to move forward with the development as soon as possible as we truly believe the time is right for this kind of scheme in Coventry.
“When you look at what’s happening in and around that area of the city centre, I believe it will be a great place to live and enjoy – and we are really keen to be part of the city’s rejuvenation.”
The Coventry and Warwickshire MIPIM Partnership is made up of leading companies and organisations which support the area’s presence at the event.
MIPIM is the world’s leading global property showcase. The four-day exhibition takes place annually in Cannes in March. Key development and investment opportunities are highlighted through a major presence at the show and also through a series of key events.