Growth Hub helps Coventry engineering software consultancy to grow

Thursday 8th of April 2021 07:54 AM

An innovative engineering software consultancy in Coventry is investing a six-figure sum and recruiting new staff following a government scheme after receiving help from a business support group.

EnginSoft UK Ltd was launched at the University of Warwick Science Park’s Venture Centre in Sir William Lyons Road in 2009.

The business specialises in providing state-of-the-art virtual prototyping, consultancy, training and research for a wide range of clients including Jaguar Land Rover.

A total of £150,000 is being invested this year in hydraulics software along with a grant of £44,207 from the Coventry and Warwickshire Business Support Programme which is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund after the company received help from the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub.

Bipin Patel, Co-founder and Managing Director of EnginSoft UK, said the first tranche of investment has been made.

“We have a number of clients in the water sector and we have developed software tools to help them manage the flooding impact of growth of towns and cities through the drainage capacity needed for housing, hospitals and schools plus climate change,” he said.

“There are so many variables and unknowns that it is difficult to understand and predict all the changes.

“You can have a 25-year plan for growth but can’t know when the growth will happen or when climate change will kick in so we’re developing AI-based software to help manage the risk for water companies.

“We have products in advanced third stage trials with Anglia Water and more talks are in the pipeline.

“I contacted the Growth Hub to find out about grants and I was impressed with their speed along with the support of Coventry City Council in helping me to complete the application form which needed to be done within a week to be discussed by the grants panel. It was great to be successful and to have the grant to help towards our investment.”

Bipin has also recruited 39 interns as part of the Government’s Kickstart scheme to add to their current 11-strong workforce – and between five to ten are expected to secure full-time jobs throughout 2021.

He said: “I think the Government has supported us well through the pandemic since we have been able to use the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, Bounce Back Loans and grants and being involved in Kickstart is my way of giving something back to the community and, in particular, the engineering community.

“I’m conscious there could be a dearth of engineers if we lose them to other sectors during Covid-19 and as the economy picks up again, there could be a shortage of engineers.

“We have found there is some fantastic talent out there including in sales and marketing and we are benefiting as a business.”

One such person to have gained a permanent job is Ben Hall, who having started on the Kickstart scheme has already secured a full-time position as Marketing Coordinator.

Ben said: “I come from a creative marketing background and some of the skills I have learned from EnginSoft are already invaluable and it is going to make me so much better at my job.”

Cllr Jim O’Boyle, Cabinet Member for Jobs and Regeneration at Coventry City Council, said: “It’s great to see another local company thriving, taking on new staff and creating new jobs.

“Our city has a strong engineering pedigree and I’m pleased that EnginSoft UK is providing opportunities for young engineers at the start of their career to learn real workplace skills while at the same time supporting the development and growth of the company.”

Justine Chadwick, account manager at the CWLEP Growth Hub, added: “EnginSoft UK is aiming to expand even further as they win new business in a number of sectors.

“Employability skills are key to the success of future growth, and recruiting and training young people through the Government’s Kickstart scheme is an ideal way of adding talented staff and teaching them the skills your business needs.

“The initiative has been a great way for EnginSoft UK to attract new engineers and give them valuable experience for their future career development so it is a win-win situation.”

Caption: Justine Chadwick of the CWLEP Growth Hub