Full list of exciting projects for the My Town Nuneaton initiative are revealed

Tuesday 16th of March 2021 04:01 PM

The projects that are set to transform Nuneaton thanks to £23milion worth of Government funding have been announced.

The 11 exciting initiatives, designed to make real difference to the town, its residents and visitors, have been officially revealed.

The schemes that have been approved and funded include the creation of a new Digital Skills and Innovation Centre, the creation of a George Eliot Visitor Centre, the restoration and repurposing of Saints community hub, upgrading the Weddington Cycle Link, reimaging Nuneaton Museum and Art Gallery and for full list visit - https://mytownnuneaton.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Nuneaton-Town-Investment-Plan-Section-1-Narrative-Public-Version_Optimized.pdf

Sean Farnell, Chair of the My Town Nuneaton Board, is thrilled that the board can reveal the projects and people can start getting excited about what’s to come.

He said: “We are all extremely pleased with our final projects that will form our Town Investment Plan for Nuneaton.

“We think we have a fantastic line-up of extremely strong schemes, all of which will be very positive for our town moving forwards.

“We could not have done any of this without the people of Nuneaton, the ideas that they submitted at the start of all of this have been at the forefront of everything and were crucial to the development of all of the projects, so we want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has taken part and supported us.

“Now we have to keep the momentum up and continue our hard work to get everything in place and started to deliver these schemes as soon as we can.”

Councillor Julie Jackson, Leader of Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and member of the Town Deal Board, added: “We are very excited for the next stage of this process and seeing everything develop and progress.

“I am so grateful to everyone who has gotten us to this stage and now we continue to push on and get all of these projects delivered.

“There are so many exciting initiatives that are taking place for the good of our borough such as Transforming Nuneaton and Transforming Bedworth, as well as My Town Nuneaton and they all complement each other so well.

“Now is our time and I look forward to seeing how all of this work has such a massive impact for residents and visitors in the future.”

The My Town Nuneaton Board is made up of business representatives, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Councillors, Warwickshire County Councillors and representatives from the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Warwickshire CAVA, the health sector and community.

Nuneaton was one of just 101 towns across the country that was selected to bid for funding from the Government’s Towns Fund Initiative.

The projects were identified following a highly successful public consultation with Nuneaton residents where they were asked to submit their ideas.

There was very strong take up on the My Town Nuneaton website and via social media channels with around 300 consultation submissions were made, playing a vital role in the bid’s success.

For further information about My Town Nuneaton visit www.mytownnuneaton.co.uk

To keep up to date with the initiative follow @MyTown _Nuneaton on Twitter and My Town Nuneaton at Facebook.

CAPTION: (left to right) Nuneaton Town Deal Board members Cllr Kris Wilson, Sean Farnell, Marion Plant and Cllr Julie Jackson.