Warwickshire Property and Development Group (WPDG) was launched by Warwickshire County Council in August 2021 to deliver new affordable and market priced homes and a range of commercial, mixed use and renewable energy opportunities across the county.
Warwickshire is a great place to live and work and as the population continues to grow so too does the demand for homes and commercial space. This increased demand for living and working space presents an ideal opportunity to make assets work better whilst providing homes, offices, and other workspace to support economic growth and development.
WPDG will play an important role in shaping Warwickshire as a place to invest, live and thrive. It will help the County’s economic recovery, providing new housing and creating jobs, shaping the County as an attractive and desirable place to live, and do business. WPDG will drive regeneration schemes across the County, deliver significant new housing in line with local needs, including a mix of affordable housing, as well as promoting low carbon living and the generation of short and long-term financial returns for Warwickshire County Council.