What we do
Our work typically covers 3 main areas but we are versatile!
In a business context Lean Business Vision's attention to service and detail can provide a number of different solutions for you. Examples are enabling you to deliver projects by providing extra resource, completion of tasks on time, providing a comprehensive small project completion service, or cover in staffing needs during extended leave. Conducting and reporting on small scale research, improving staff morale, reducing days lost through sickness, improving teamwork and many others. Want a fresh start for your team? Consider Personal Development -Reboot and Release.com for individual and team help with mindset and goal setting psychology leading to increased productivity and confidence.
Judaism classes and assemblies in school
Judaism in schools- bespoke lessons and assemblies covering topics such as Shabbat, Pesach, Chanukah, or a thematic approach to subjects such as food, clothes, values and many others. Years Reception to Year 6. Interactive RE lessons to enhance the national curriculum with stories, artefacts and photographs to bring the Jewish faith alive for students. Touch, see and taste elements of Judaism and Jewish life.
1:1 Solution focused coaching - the gift of time to think
Why pick coaching? Maybe you have got stuck and are wondering what to do? Facing a challenge and not sure how to tackle it? Feeling unsettled and wanting to make a change but not sure how? We can help! Solution focused coaching provides a sounding board for you to explore your ideas and thoughts. Coaching gives you a gift of time to think and skilful use of questions helps you to tease out the answer you are searching for. Coaching can be face to face, by Skype, Zoom, Teams or by phone.