Next Government must boost skills say business leaders in Coventry and Warwickshire

Tuesday 11th of June 2024 10:37 AM

Business leaders in Coventry and Warwickshire say boosting skills should be a key priority for the next Government but have urged politicians not to tear up the whole system.

The Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce has set out three key barriers to growth for firms in the region and are raising those issues ahead of the General Election on July 4.

The shortage of employment land and the cost of doing business are holding back regional businesses, according to the Chamber, on top of a shortage of skills that makes recruitment difficult, particularly in certain sectors.

That inability to find the right staff means that businesses with strong order books are still struggling to grow because they don’t have the workforce to meet demand.

Sally Lucas, Executive Director of Coventry & Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training – the training arm of the Chamber, said: “We want to see a skills system that supports the creation of higher skilled, higher value jobs with structures that are easy to access and navigate, free from red tape and bureaucracy which flexibly meets the needs of all businesses – particularly SMEs.

“It needs to be a simplified, stable and clear system, which raises the demand for skills amongst employers through a system that is familiar and well understood. Employers need targeted support, advice and guidance to articulate their skills needs and access appropriate solutions.

“The next Government, whoever that might be, needs to create coherent pathways where parts of the system join up and interlink.

“Whilst the apprenticeship levy provides a clear focus on the need to invest in apprenticeships, it requires refinement and flex.

“Recent data on the take-up of apprenticeships, shows that employers are investing in their existing workforce which is at the expense of the creation of new apprenticeship jobs -particularly for young people. The system needs to create more apprenticeship opportunities for young people. So, while the system needs refinement, it doesn’t need to be ripped up.

“It’s also crucial that we see greater investment in careers education, particularly for young people, to enable individuals to make informed decisions as well as connecting schools with local employers, preparing young people with work readiness skills and understanding.

“It’s also vitally important that we provide very clear pathways for adults to re-skill and up-skill through focussed, modularised skills solutions, because it is becoming increasingly important for people to up-skill themselves throughout their working life.”

Rajpal Kaur, the Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) Project Manager at the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, said progress has been made.

The West Midlands and Warwickshire was awarded more than £10 million to deliver on the plan last year. The plan has been designed to support key industries in delivering the right skills for regional businesses through a partnership between companies and training providers.

Rajpal said: “The LSIP puts local skills provision in the hands of businesses – something the Chamber has been calling for over a number of years.

“There has been some great progress in identifying the needs and some of the solutions, and we’ve been thrilled by the level of buy-in from businesses and the training providers over the past year.

“It’s important that this work continues and that the next Government builds on the progress because it’s vitally important that we finally crack the skills shortage, particularly in those industries that will provide the growth for our economy.”

Corin Crane, chief executive of the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce, added: “Skills has barely been mentioned in the campaign so far and, yet, it is fundamental to the growth of the economy.

“When you look at this area alone, we’ve potentially got exciting developments at HORIBA MIRA, Wellesbourne, the Gigapark and at Ansty which could create up to 30,000 jobs and we need to make sure we have the people with the skills to meet that demand.”