Midlands based good cause platform takes to the roads

Thursday 29th of July 2021 10:50 AM

An online platform which helps local community groups by connecting them with people and businesses to solve their problems has hit the road – with a new “Passion Wagon”.

Make Good Grow brings together good causes and companies from Warwickshire and the West Midlands who are keen to lend their expertise free of charge.

The organisation, which is based at the 1 Mill Street collaborative workspace in Leamington, has already signed up more than 150 charities from Warwickshire and the West Midlands, with 90 charitable projects already underway or completed.

Now it’s hitting the highways in the Passion Wagon to spread the word and encourage local professionals to get involved in their mission. 

Make Good Grow is the brainchild of businessman Nigel Shanahan who is on the lookout for businesses that want to make a lasting impact in their local area by giving a few hours of their time to work on short community projects.

He said it would also be used as a mobile advert to attract businesses to the platform.

“We have the Passion Wagon made as conspicuous as possible because we want to attract companies to link up with us and provide some of their expertise to help the groups that keep our society functioning,” Nigel said.

“Charities have really suffered during the pandemic and many of them have serious skills gaps which we believe Make Good Grow can help plug. Likewise, there are professionals who want to help by lending their expertise.

“We’ve had a great uptake so far and we want to do even more. We would like to attract six business partners – Passion Pioneers – from the area who want to commit some time and expertise. The Passion Wagon is designed to catch their eye and encourage them to get in touch.”

Companies that sign up will receive a live Social Impact Report, Passion CVs for all employees and Impact Stories for each project, constantly highlighting the great work they are doing in their communities.

Nigel added: “We are finding the need is two-way. Companies are passionate about doing good but are struggling to find suitable projects for their employees that really use their skills and therefore being full value.

“The platform really is fulfilling a need and doing tangible good in our communities. At the moment we are concentrated in Warwickshire and the West Midlands but there is real potential to roll it out nationally in the future.”

If you’re a local business or professional and want to have an impact in your community, get in contact by emailing info@makegoodgrow.com or visiting www.makegoodgrow.com

Left to right:  Jack Gibson, Kat Hills, Dessie and Nigel Shanahan, Bridie Jardine, Holly Jones