Businesses have been urged not to wait until every detail of Brexit is agreed before seeking support.
National survey figures have suggested that a third of all businesses have not truly considered the impact of the UK withdrawing from the EU, and business organisations are arranging a series of events across Coventry and Warwickshire to showcase what steps companies should take.
The first session was at Ardencote Manor Hotel near Warwick when the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) Growth Hub and the Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce ran a roundtable event and also a Meet the Brexpert session.
James Ahearne, who has led the Chamber’s work on Brexit, said there was plenty of advice available that would help businesses be best placed for when more details become clear.
He said: “While there is no getting away from the fact that many businesses have not been able to pull together detailed plans for the withdrawal from the EU there is, depending on their sector, plenty that can be done in preparation.
“That has, to an extent, been lost in the political storm which has surrounded the whole process. For those businesses that don’t know where to start with their Brexit planning we are offering a free online business health check which can help them identify any areas of risk. We would urge businesses to look at the online help available or contact the Chamber and Growth Hub who can offer help across all areas of Brexit.”
The Growth Hub has been chosen to lead a Midlands’ cluster, which also consists of the Black Country, Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire, Greater Birmingham and Solihull, Worcestershire and The Marches, to help access as many businesses as possible between now and March offering and signposting support to firms of all sectors.
CWLEP Growth Hub managing director Craig Humphrey said the events planned over the next few weeks were designed to help businesses not only access the advice available but also to share best practice.
He said: “At this event we heard about the issues for businesses who sell abroad but then have their equipment sent back to the UK for servicing, only to be returned when the work is completed. Just the level of administration for processes such as that can take considerable time and that will add up to considerable staff time and cost.
“No-one has all the answers to what a post-Brexit UK will look like from a trading point of view, but we are in a position to help businesses face the likely outcomes and to be prepared as possible and across Coventry and Warwickshire we have very joined-up offer from the various authorities and organisations in a position to offer support.”
The Government website is www.gov.uk/brexit while the CWLEP Growth Hub can be contacted via www.cwgrowthhub.co.uk and the Chamber via www.cw-brexit.co.uk
Caption (left to right): Milun Dulay and Iqbal Gill (NDT Consultants), Russ Noble (WMG), Pam Cain (MarchanCain), Justine Chadwick (CWLEP Growth Hub), James Ahearne (CW Chamber), Mike Leonard (Building Alliance), Sarah Pagan (CWLEP Growth Hub), Adele Wheatley (CW Chamber), David Marah (Milford & Marah)