A powerful network
Our Champions want to see Coventry & Warwickshire grow and thrive for all those who live and work in the area. Ideas abound and action follows - come and meet our Champions and find out for yourself
World renowned visitor attractions
Our Champions are proud that Coventry & Warwickshire is a thriving place to do business and a beautiful place to live. With castles, culture and countryside in abundance we have plenty to shout about
Meet the Champions
Our Champions are from all sectors and sizes of company creating a powerful network of business people determined to tell the Coventry and Warwickshire story and promote the area as a great place to do business.
Meeting every other month you are welcome to come along and get to know us for a complimentary session. We meet in superb locations with great speakers so find your next meeting.
Why become a Champion?
Our Champions are the makers and shakers of Coventry and Warwickshire, when we get together things happen. We are passionate, proud and proactive so why not get involved?
What's up next?
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Upcoming Events
Coventry University is proud to host the third Venturefest Mobile Hub...
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